Header File <math.h>

The header file provides the following functionality:


double sin( double x );
double cos( double x );
double tan( double x );
double asin( double x );
double acos( double x );
double atan( double x );
double atan2( double y, double x );
double sinh( double x );
double cosh( double x );
double tanh( double x );
double exp( double x );
double exp2( double x );
double log( double x );
double log10( double x );
double log2( double x );
double pow( double x, double y );
double sqrt( double x );
double ceil( double x );
double floor( double x );
double round( double x );
double trunc( double x );
double fabs( double x );
double ldexp( double x, int n );

float sinf( float x );
float cosf( float x );
float tanf( float x );
float asinf( float x );
float acosf( float x );
float atanf( float x );
float atan2f( float y, float x );
float sinhf( float x );
float coshf( float x );
float tanhf( float x );
float expf( float x );
float exp2f( float x );
float logf( float x );
float log10f( float x );
float log2f( float x );
float powf( float x, float y );
float sqrtf( float x );
float ceilf( float x );
float floorf( float x );
float roundf( float x );
float truncf( float x );
float fabsf( float x );
float ldexpf( float x, int n );


The range of values supported may not follow the standard. No range- or error checking is performed.


Functions frexp, modf and fmod.



The float versions are not part of the C89 standard, but are in the C99 standard and libc.lib.

exp2, log2 and trunc are from the C99 standard.

